Lessons from Turkey, Israel & Egypt

Theme: Jesus can shape our past, present and future.
Text:  Hebrews 13:8

Here’s a thought: It's never too soon to plan for eternity.

When embarking on a journey, we often find ourselves immersed in new experiences and learning moments that stick with us for a lifetime. Today, I want to share some valuable lessons I've gathered from my travels to Turkey, Israel, and Egypt. Each place has left its mark on me, reminding me of the significance of history, the importance of flow in our lives, and the eternal perspective we should hold.

Turkey: Rediscovering Historical Significance

Let's start with Turkey, a land brimming with history that often goes underestimated. From ancient biblical connections to secular tales, Turkey's historical roots run deep. Think about Asia Minor, referenced in Bible maps; it's modern-day Turkey. The realization hit me that Turkey's history stretches back further than I'd imagined.

On one memorable occasion in Istanbul, my wife and I packed for both winter and summer, a challenge we hadn't faced before. The mishap of a lost glove ensued, leading to a comical search through the hotel. Eventually, I had to move on, only to discover the glove stuck to my backpack later. This anecdote wasn't my main takeaway from Turkey, but it reminded me that we can get caught up in the trivial and lose sight of the bigger picture.

Israel: The Lesson of Flow

Next, Israel's Dead Sea struck me with a lesson about the importance of giving and receiving in life. The Dead Sea's waters have inlets from the Jordan River but no outlets, rendering its waters inhospitable to most forms of life. Similarly, when we solely take without giving, stagnation sets in, and our lives become less vibrant.

The biblical wisdom that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" rings true. A life of constant reception leads to stagnancy, but when we share, uplift, and give to others, our lives gain a renewed sense of purpose and vibrancy. The Dead Sea's metaphor teaches us to keep the flow of giving alive in our lives.

Egypt: Preparing for Eternity

Visiting the awe-inspiring pyramids of Egypt, I pondered the pharaohs' motivation behind constructing these colossal monuments. They invested immense effort, time, and resources to prepare for their afterlife, believing that this earthly existence was but a small fragment of their eternity.

This reflection prompts us to consider our preparation for the eternal. Many shy away from discussing death or the afterlife, preferring to focus on the present. Yet, the truth remains that our time on Earth is fleeting, and we should live with eternity in view. Regardless of our cultural background or beliefs, the question of what happens after we pass away is universal. Preparing for the eternal involves trusting in a Savior who offers grace and salvation.

Jesus: Consistent Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Throughout these lessons from my travels, a unifying theme emerges - the consistency of Jesus Christ. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. This means that His character, His love, and His teachings endure through time. It's unfortunate that misrepresentations and misunderstandings have led to misconceptions about who Jesus truly is.

In the early years of Christianity, the church faced a transformation when political power came into play. Rather than embodying the gentle, self-sacrificing nature of Christ, some embraced power and control. This historical lesson teaches us to focus on the true essence of Jesus, to grasp His genuine character and teachings.

Conclusion: A Journey of Lessons

My journey through Turkey, Israel, and Egypt revealed valuable lessons that transcend time and borders. The historical depth of Turkey, the lesson of flow from the Dead Sea, and the reflection on preparing for eternity in Egypt - all converge with the consistent character of Jesus Christ. In our ever-changing world, the unchanging nature of Christ serves as a guiding light.

As we navigate our lives, let's remember the significance of history, the vitality of flow, and the eternal perspective we should carry. By understanding the genuine nature of Jesus, we can align our lives with His teachings and truly embrace the essence of love, grace, and purpose.


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